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- NATURAL DISASTERS OR FORCES - Teach Research skills & Information Reports (*IB PYP)
NATURAL DISASTERS OR FORCES - Teach Research skills & Information Reports (*IB PYP)
Natural Disasters and Forces inquiry research project guide, with support resource for writing information reports. Teach students how to inquire into a range of natural forces causing disasters across our world. Learn about their causes and characteristics, and what makes a natural force become a natural disaster.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ "I absolutely love this product! It was my bible for my natural disaster unit! Thank you very much! =0)"
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ "Good quality resource."
This is a comprehensive and detailed thematic inquiry unit paired with detailed use of the Information / Report writing genre. Integrated learning for Science and Literacy aimed at Grades 3-6.
Also includes IB PYP related information for teachers working with the International Baccalaureate curriculum.
This resource includes everything I use to set up and run both teacher guided and student lead inquiry learning opportunities with students. Over 180 pages of instructions, ideas, resources, graphic organisers, student printouts, posters, activities, photographs & display wall decorations.
✅ First, I teach the research cycle through a structured teacher guided inquiry into Earthquakes. This 65 page PDF slide deck including everything you need
to run this part of the inquiry:
- Central Ideas & Key Concepts posters for your PYP wall
- Central Ideas & Key Concepts in B & W to print for student books
- Inquiry cycle poster for your wall
- Inquiry cycle sheet in B & W to print for student books
- Information Report writing criteria (Teacher & student version)
- Information Report writing checklist (Teacher & student version)
- Information Report writing posters
- Asking focused questions - graphic organisers
- Exploring a range of resources: text, diagram, glossary, STEAM challenge, Video, to suit a range of learning styles
- Earthquake information texts - 2 levels
- Earthquake diagrams - multiple
- Earthquake glossary
- Earthquake STEAM challenge
- Links to video resources
- STEAM challenge write-up graphic organiser
- Group / shared Information Report writing graphic organisers
- Further options for key concepts & related concepts to unpack
- Assessment rubrics
- Photos of this product in action with students
- Bonus Resources - Photos of Earthquake damage
✅ Now, I follow up with the guide to Student Lead Inquiry. This follows the
guiding principles of agentic teaching. A 114 page PDF slide deck That
includes everything I use to need to guide student inquiry, into a wide
range of natural forces, like: volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis,
floods, landslides, wildfires, drought and avalanches. Choice is up to the
student and is guided by their individual curiosities (student agency):
- Prior knowledge check
- How many natural forces are there? (home learning, library time or independent reading option)
- Information Report criteria (posters and student hand-out)
- Student choice posters
- Student questions graphic organisers
- Identifying common themes for research
- Student note-taking / note-making sheets
- Using the Google Drive (or similar) as an author’s wheel, to structure proofing of research paragraphs
- Peer reviewing
- Reference web links for Natural Forces
- Presentation options
- Assessment Rubric sample
- Bonus Resources - Natural disaster photographs, Topic wall header flags and photo flags
**Please note that the students lead part of the inquiry is where students find and select their own resources to carry out research, it is not for the teacher to provide all the content, unless you have a librarian who can assist you.
**Reference books and posters are useful to have in the classroom. Several video links have also been included in the resource for all the natural forces listed above, and more.
✅ This research project is partnered with the relevant writing format of Information Reports. All necessary resources are included and this provides an authentic purpose for learning a specific writing genre. Content focuses on:
- Title (Are the title and sub-titles suitable?)
- Classification (A general or classifying statement about the subject of the report, the introduction)
- Information (Accurate, detailed information, clearly presented and sequenced, facts are relevant and interesting)
- Conclusion (A summary, possible action is suggested)
- Writing Skills (Factual language used with topic or scientific terms, written in 3rd person, information is sequenced, present tense action verbs used), etc.
Assessment rubrics are included for Apprentice, Practitioner & Expert
Self assessment and Peer assessment guides are also included.
Integrated learning for Science and Literacy aimed at 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade.
Standard links selected below for fourth grade and works the same for 3rd and 5th grade.
✅ Bonus inclusions of IB PYP information and language for teachers working with the International Baccalaureate curriculum.
This resource includes everything I use to set up and run both teacher guided and student lead inquiry learning opportunities with students.
For other Inquiry resources view the link below:
For Writing Resources view the link below:
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Created by Timea Willemse, © One Teacher's Journey, © Help Me Learn