151 STUDENT WELLBEING Posters and Prompt cards
Today, students are coming to school to have their needs met in many areas other than academic. Emotional and social well-being is one such area where we teachers need to offer more support.
This teacher support resource includes posters and prompt cards for 7 areas of well-being:
Coping with Anxiety,
Building Self-esteem,
Feeling Discouraged,
Things I Can Control,
Ways to be Brave,
Attitude of Gratitude,
Positive Resolutions.
Use this resource to introduce students to strategies for coping with challenges in their lives. Display in your room, refer to prompts for discussion points, include in your culture building lessons at the start of (and throughout) the year, refer to when challenges come up throughout the year e.g. camp, cross country meets or testing time.
Let me know if you would like this resource extended with further ways to make the content available to you and your students.
The content suits upper elementary and middle school learners.
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